Thursday, March 24, 2016

Why Drinking More Water is a No-Brainer

I drink A LOT of water. It was one of the better habits I picked up while in the Army. So there are tons of reasons why water is important, the first, and most important is obviously, you can die without it! Your environment can be an important factor in how much water you should drink. I live in the desert, so you notice really quickly when you're dehydrated. So lift those glasses, bottles, jugs and jars, here's to water!

Your Body CRAVES it.

Water is essential for a slew of normal body operations and is constantly being lost through these functions along with filtration and sweat, for it to operate at peak performance, it needs to constantly be replenished. Think how fast a canoe can be pulled down a huge gushing river in the winter, but that same canoe barely moves in the summer when the river is trickling.

Give Your Metabolism a Boost! 

Studies show drinking the hour following drinking 16 ounces of water, increases the metabolism 3%, as an added bonus, drinking colder water will burn a few more calories in heating it up to body temperature.

Easiest, Most Accessible Appetite Suppressant

Our brains are pretty impressive, however the signal that triggers thirst is a lot like the "E" for Empty on the gas light indicator, the tank is already pretty low by the time it comes on, prior to that, it mimics that of hunger. To win over your biological triggers, try drinking 16 ounces of water, wait 20 minutes and reevaluate your hunger level; the feeling of hunger is often calmed by hydration. Try this before meals as well!

Give Your Skin an Aquatic Glow.

Skin THRIVES on hydration, water is essential for cells to rid waste, regenerate and heal. Dry skin often appears older looking just due to dehydration.

Exercise is Easier.

Water composes a bulk of our muscle tissues, without it, you can feel weak, dizzy and fatigued. Poor hydration means a workout FEELS harder and muscles can cramp and ache for extended periods after.

Is this water thing a bit hard to swallow, literally? Ease yourself into it, once it's a habit it's easy to keep. Be aware and accountable of how much water you’re drinking to start, start the day with keeping a tally on the top of the hand, (somewhere super visible and impossible to ignore) let each tally represents one 16 ounce water bottle, make a goal for the end of day so you can spread it out throughout the day, drinking half a gallon of water before bed is not recommended. Add citrus fruit or cucumber to liven up your water. I like squeezing in orange and adding a splash of Apple Cider Vinegar, makes the taste buds go crazy, yum!

How do you measure up? I average 10 cups (80 ounces) normally, about 128 ounces in the summertime.


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