Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Synthetic Fragrances in Beauty and Personal Care Products

I grew up in a rural community with a hippy mother who had a propensity for minimalism. My teenager “beauty” routine consisted apple cider vinegar, a tube of Tom’s toothpaste and a non-sudsy and scent-lacking body shampoo. Therefore, promptly as I was producing my own income, I began buying up a mirage of products, for whiter teeth, softer skin, to remove hair, make my nails and hair grow faster and my stomach grow smaller.

Let’s speed up here, in my mid 20s I began having intense nausea, every morning started started strong and dissipated, making the first few hours of every morning hellish. It became a routine to beeline it to the toilet to dry heave, the taste of toothpaste made it ten times worse, I couldn’t even say the wood “food” till about 9am. Over the next six months, I mentioned these symptoms to a doctor, gynecologist and dentist, and after pregnancy was of course the first suggested and ruled out, the following suggestions were these: A physical manifestation of anxiety, something in my diet was not working for me and not drinking enough water. Kudos to all three who made no suggestion for popping pills!

In the next year that followed, I eliminated most all the processed food in my diet and adopted my childhood vegetarian roots again, this time, pulling my husband along! I devotedly drank upwards of a gallon or more of water a day. I committed myself to exercising, even lost weight; anxiety I had in my shoulders melted off. BUUT…The daily heave continued.

Age 32. After doing some research regarding synthetic fragrances and phthalates (endocrine disrupting chemicals) I made the hard decision to start eliminating my lovely collection of scented body sprays and lotions as a last ditch effort to get my stomach under control. I also chose to eliminate antiperspirant, fabric softener, scented candles and air fresheners due to surprising number of human and environmental toxicants in them as well. Synthetic fragrances are considered to be in the category of a “trade secret” so U.S. product manufacturers do not have to divulge them to the public. The problem with this is that 95% of synthetic fragrances are derived from petrochemicals, many of which are, or processed with known human toxicants that cause cancer, birth defects and nervous, organ, endocrine and developmental disorders.

There’s more! Beyond fragrance, there’s tons of other ingredients in much of what we use on our skin and inhale on a daily basis that are pretty rough, just to name a few…Resorcinol, shown to be toxic to the immune system and a possible carcinogen found in aftershaves, lipstick and anti-acne products, Triclosan, a biocide, antibacterial and preservative agent which has been restricted for use in Canada and Japan as it is an endocrine system disruptor and potential organ toxicant, Ethylene Oxide, a KNOWN human carcinogen that in low doses can cause breast cancer and while it’s not used in cosmetics anymore, it is a commonly found as a contaminate of PEGs, (polyethylene glycolysis) which are used in everything from toothpaste to conditioner to food packaging.

Age 33, I’ve come full circle, I have just a few trusty products on my bathroom sink again, (thanks mom!) and the mysterious “morning” sickness is finally gone.

Wisdom comes with experience and learning, I know had I not experienced the highly uncomfortable and time-sucking problem that I did, I would still be running around smelling like a Pina colada, and accumulating all sorts of strange and potentially pretty harmful chemicals in my body, and having learned what I did, I’m perfectly at peace with my less smelly world.

Now it’s YOUR turn, check your bathroom and see how your products rate, maybe you’ll be shocked, maybe pleasantly surprised. Here’s just one example from a super common brand name body wash.

Want to make your own? TONS of simple recipes for homemade beauty and bath products!
Wellness Mama is one of my favorite bloggers for a healthy and sustainable house, and she makes it look graceful and easy!

Marie makes some fierce red lipstick with nourishing and simple ingredients on her blog.

More Information and Sources

Environmental Working Group’s website, Skin Deep, the largest integrated (non-profit) database of its kind, matching ingredients in more than 25,000 products against 50 definitive toxicity and regulatory databases.

PEGs in Cosmetics

U.S Department of Health & Human Services Household Product Database

A Guide to Safer Personal Care Choices

Five 'Must-Knows' on the Dangers of Synthetic Fragrance

U.S EPA Toxicology Site - Ethylene

U.S. CDC Fact Sheet – Phthalates

State of Evidence of Ethylene Oxide

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